

614 Fort Riley Blvd, Manhattan, KS 66502

(785) 537-1476


The place for all of your electronic needs! We carry the major brands and our premium brands with great support. Stop in and see the RadioShack difference!

We provide you with the parts and information that you need for electronics. Our knowledgeable staff will help you with everything from antenna systems to small parts and components.

Services and products we provide:
-Dish Network TV and Internet
-Antenna Systems…
-Small Parts and Components
-Batteries (Cell Phone, Home Phone, Button Cell, and More)
-Cell Phones
-CB Radios
-Audio/Video Equipment
-And so much more!

Our Brands:
-And Many More!

Our Knowledgeable Staff:
-Frank Beer
-Reid Beer
-Lauren Prather
-Derek Ediger
-Andy Orton
-Daniel Brazil